Tuesday, November 23, 2010


it has been long since i watched ny good movie nd i was stuck with this buzz word tht inception rocks . i was getting so many good reviews of that movie that i was eager to watch it , but unfortunately being stuck in rourkela . there was very little scope for it to be screened in this theater . I got a few bad print of the movie but ,the hype around the movie kept me away from watching the bad print . the wait for the ultimate print just got over nd finally i made sure that i have enough time to watch and enjoy the movie , and the movie was so killer , esp ka concept nd the picturization ,it was worth waiting for the good print ,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

sexananda swami

ok this one was quite distrubing but i dont know why it is still haunting my brains nd it is still shuttleing between my ears

few days back we had this news flashing up on every TV set about a swami who was caught in compromising situation with his devotee, and there was a big hoo haa going on around saying that all the swamis are like this and they must be controlled and all ,and people should stop believeing them and all

now one thing which struck my brain was , wheter we like the swami for his ideology or his way of living ,

will we follow a swami who gives some stupid ideas and has a stupid ideology , but lives a saint and a holy life ,

or will we follow a swami who has some good ideology but he cannot follow it all the time or at times he fails at it

i guess we should learn to start loving people for their ideology and not for their way of living

and i dont think having sex with ur devotee is a crime untill and unless it is not forced atempt

i just asked a christian friend of mine ,wheter he will disown christianity if he gets to know that Jesus is married . and surprisingly he said that he will disown the religion

i was a bit surprised because a person has to have a personal and a public life which he has to carefully juggle with and expose whichever end he or she think is not sensitive and will not effect his reputation

i do think that with the advent of 24hours news channels such news will pop up every now and then , just to put a stain on the face of people

we need to have a very good common sense to separate the original from the fake and move ahead with our daily life ahead

swimming pool inauguration

this one was cool we have this swimming pool whose construction was going on for the last 2-3 years .the last few batches were very much eager to flex their muscles in the water but unfortunately they couldnt . Now the swimming pool is ready and we had the inauguration ceremony , and since i am the swimming captain of NIT rourkela swimming team , which consists of only two members , (its a big achievement since we were not having a swimming pool )and luckily i was able to convice the sports instructor that i could swim for the competition , the inauguration was done by Mr Sabir Bux (ok he is the only international underwater swimmer from india )and has abt 141000 hits on the google search , he is one very much down to earth person and i got an oppurtunity to inaugurate the swimming pool with this guy he taught me some snorkelling lessons and also how to breath in inside the water and various other tips the best part was that i knew i will b called for the inauguration ceremony ,so i started preparing myself for the event , especially pumping some iron to get into shape luckily much of the humps got levelled , as always exceptions were there because Rome was not build in one day :) ny ways the pics and all were beautifull nd hope that NIT RKL can produce good swimmers because i had blessed the swimming pool

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

holi celebrations @NIT RKL

It was a real nice and cool experience to celebrate holi after a big long gap of i dont know how many years , eventhough i have played holi during my younger days nd school days , i dint play much during my college days nd employed days , mainly because during the college days i was in kerala and there we dont celebrate holi nd during employed days i felt i was too old to have fun.

But in Rourkela I decided that I am no longer gonna study and gonna focus my full energy towards chill out in life ,

I remember a very few holi days which I have celebrated in my life , the oldest and the best memories r the one in which we celebrated during our stay @ H1BB (bachelors quarters @lakeside ) where everyone from both the buildings played in unison and then we prepared food outside and everyone had it outside in a very big group and gathering . I still remember the taste of the KHICHADI which was prepared and also the taste of the DAAL, both of which are at the highest level in my taste bud list

Chalo enough of history now back to mystory

the celebrations started at a slow pace , since the exams got over and there was a gap of 3 days most of them escaped from the hostel , 2 of my roomies escaped and only two of us were thr

I was wondering how to start nd was waiting for some one to come and break the ice and open the flood gates , but everything was calm till 9am , i was getting bored so I did a small video chat with two of my US friends and it was fun

then came the decisive period , my roomies zone mate came and all of them were calling people to come out of their rooms . I knew many in that gang and it was sure shot that i will b drenced in colors ,

I had to make a quick decision on which shirt I am gonna loose during this holi , nd suddenly my eyes got stuck to this half sleev banyaan whcih was lying and it was screaming to be dumped in the waste bin , so I just told him , dude its ur day today for freedome , I guess chicken and all the poultrys do feel the same , moments before they are sent to be butchered :).

so clad in the banyan and the chaddi my frnds poured the colors on me nd i guess someone cracked an egg or tomato on my head , since there was multiple colors on my head i dont know wheter it was rotten tomato or rotten egg . ny ways it holi time no one gives a damn .

then I went downstairs there people had prepared this bhang a mild intoxicating heath drink I must say bcoz of the amount of fruits and milk added in it and a small ting of some halucinating stuff .

I was actually warned by my parents not to have the bhang , but dont know why I have this doubting thomas ka gene in my body which always makes me say what if ? chalo the experince was not that bad as i thought it would be .

then we went around in every hostel and to friends room and friends of friends room to celebrate holi , it was great . then i met my classmates and they had a small ting of anger added in their way of applying colors on me but who cares its holi nd u dont give a damn to it

then the celebrations concluded in homibaba hall where we applied colors on Vishnu and we marked our exit . the best part of tht hall was that , there was this gang of maniacs who were busy in tearing the cloths of ppl nd making them walk as if they are just born out of their mother womb .

while returning back to the room , we saw each other and we all were looking like the characters from the movie AVATAR

At the end of the day no matter if ur rich or poor , north indian or south indian , young or old , ur all drenced up in different colors that no body will know who u r and the halucinating bhang adds the very much needed flavour to life

I just njoy holi , nd hope that i get good crowd around me all the time so as to celebrate it in a grand way

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Saving the dog

ok this might sound a bit sentimental stuff k , but i cant stop myself from penning down this thing which i did today , i saved a dog from drowning

So this is how it all happened

Our exams r gonna start from next monday nd i thought its high time i study nd give some respect to the teachers who have taken the pain to set up da question paper and all the activities which involves the wastage of human resources and the cutting down of trees .

So after a good afternoon nap , i decided to go to the library and read , but unfortunately or fortunately so i just saw two depressing movies and i was ready to go to the library .

I usually take a short cut whenever I am going to the institute, through our beautiful lush garden , the garden has a beautiful flowers and has a wonderful tamarind tree and a small pond or a place which was actually ment to house a fountain or something like that , but now its a swimming pool for the mosquitoes to enjoy a happy honeymoon and flourish and disturb the budding engineers.

So while I was walking down the path , i saw this movement in the water and i thought that it was a frog njoying a happy bath in there , So I ignored that and i kept moving ,but suddenly i turned back and i saw that a frog can not be this big and cant move so rapidly ,

When i turned arround to see what this thing was , i got to know that it is a dog and it was enjoying a swimming aroud and cooling his bum in this cold water ,

suddenly our eyes met and it spoke something to me , it was crying for help and since it was dead tired swimming in circles in the pond , it was not able to do make any noise ,

I came near the pond and i saw this dog clinging onto a small piece of pipe in the water . it was struggleing to stay afloat , then i realised that something was wrong

fortunately there were two other guys sitting under the tamarind tree and talking about some crazy engineering or life ka problem

so I asked them for help and both of them helped me to take this dog

we tried with small piece of log ,so tht the dog could use it to climb up, but unfortunately its legs were weak and it was shit scared too

there were two bamboo baskets near the pond , so we just took it and the dog tried to fit into it but it was helpless and it was struggleing

then i dont know from where i got the courage , i extended my hand and i pulled the dog out of the pond and luckily it came out in one piece and was ready to rock and roll

i was scared of the dog biting me bcoz it was his last few atempt and seconds remaining and u dont know what all things were going on in its mind , wheter it was thinking tht i was responsible for its present condition , or even it will try to catch a grip with its mouth ,

u cant know what is going on in the other persons mind

but finally all in all i m quite happy that i could save this dog

and this is my second blog post

Friday, August 22, 2008

i dont know what

ok friend i heard this story nd didnt understand what will happen next it goes like this

a guy is kept in an isolation and is kept for starvation ,this guy continues and is not given food for 5 days .after 5 days he is taken to a room and is made to sit in front of a tv and pictures of fruits and food items are been displayed to him.
what will happen to him when he sees this picture
will he go crazy
will he bitch about life
will he ignore the fruits nd food on tv
will he simply imagine that it is true
will he pull the wire and get electricuted
will he stop the tv nd go meditate
will he think he is not hungry nd will njoy the situation
think yourself in his positoin and tell what will be your condition
this problem was totally crazy for me nd i never understood what on earth can happen when i m there
i can only think of going crazy