Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Saving the dog

ok this might sound a bit sentimental stuff k , but i cant stop myself from penning down this thing which i did today , i saved a dog from drowning

So this is how it all happened

Our exams r gonna start from next monday nd i thought its high time i study nd give some respect to the teachers who have taken the pain to set up da question paper and all the activities which involves the wastage of human resources and the cutting down of trees .

So after a good afternoon nap , i decided to go to the library and read , but unfortunately or fortunately so i just saw two depressing movies and i was ready to go to the library .

I usually take a short cut whenever I am going to the institute, through our beautiful lush garden , the garden has a beautiful flowers and has a wonderful tamarind tree and a small pond or a place which was actually ment to house a fountain or something like that , but now its a swimming pool for the mosquitoes to enjoy a happy honeymoon and flourish and disturb the budding engineers.

So while I was walking down the path , i saw this movement in the water and i thought that it was a frog njoying a happy bath in there , So I ignored that and i kept moving ,but suddenly i turned back and i saw that a frog can not be this big and cant move so rapidly ,

When i turned arround to see what this thing was , i got to know that it is a dog and it was enjoying a swimming aroud and cooling his bum in this cold water ,

suddenly our eyes met and it spoke something to me , it was crying for help and since it was dead tired swimming in circles in the pond , it was not able to do make any noise ,

I came near the pond and i saw this dog clinging onto a small piece of pipe in the water . it was struggleing to stay afloat , then i realised that something was wrong

fortunately there were two other guys sitting under the tamarind tree and talking about some crazy engineering or life ka problem

so I asked them for help and both of them helped me to take this dog

we tried with small piece of log ,so tht the dog could use it to climb up, but unfortunately its legs were weak and it was shit scared too

there were two bamboo baskets near the pond , so we just took it and the dog tried to fit into it but it was helpless and it was struggleing

then i dont know from where i got the courage , i extended my hand and i pulled the dog out of the pond and luckily it came out in one piece and was ready to rock and roll

i was scared of the dog biting me bcoz it was his last few atempt and seconds remaining and u dont know what all things were going on in its mind , wheter it was thinking tht i was responsible for its present condition , or even it will try to catch a grip with its mouth ,

u cant know what is going on in the other persons mind

but finally all in all i m quite happy that i could save this dog

and this is my second blog post